September 3, 2010 – 2:08 pm
Thanks to our newest volunteer — Chris Boghokian — and Extreme Motorsports, we are having an Eastern Washington MX for Children Ride benefiting Seattle Children’s Hospital again this year on Sunday, September 19th from 10:30 am until dark. Come on out and ride with us. Get started raising your pledges to earn a set of passes to the Inside Line Experience at Seattle Supercross.

MX for Children capped off a great week of activities at the Seattle round of the Monster Energy Supercross series.
Our Inside Line Experience (ILE) winners got to see the track up close and personal on Thursday followed by a Friday visit at Seattle Children’s hospital with 1:1 meetings featuring racers Trey Canard (Geico Honda), Davi Millsaps (Red Bull Honda), and Justin Brayton (Muscle Milk Joe Gibbs Racing MX).
Saturday was a busy day – ILE winners toured team rigs, had a private track walk, and watched a killer race.
Check out some of the photos in our Photo Gallery Section.
Many thanks to: Justin Brayton, Trey Canard, Davi Millsaps, Feld Entertainment, and Monster Energy Supercross for their support.

April 22, 2010 – 10:37 pm
Come bid on this year’s stash of unique autographed gear at the MX for Children silent auction at Renton Motorcycles on April 23, 2010. The auction runs during fan appreciation night so it is a great time to get a Dungey authograph (or Wey, Weimer, Hahn, Morais, or Hansen to name a few) and then get some cool autographed gear too.
We are also offering a limited number of rig tours and track walks this year.
All proceeds benefit hydrocephalus research at Seattle Children’s Hospital.
Thursday’s Press Day at the Toronto round of the Monster Energy Supercross Series had several Canadian TV crews present interviewing and taping Pro Circuit’s Dean Wilson and the Honda of Troy team at the Rogers Centre. MX for Children ILE winners were present, too!
Chase Langille and his family were interviewed on their on-going support of Toronto’s Sick Kids Hospital. Check it out here.
January 19, 2010 – 12:14 am

Please check out the updated Inside Line Experience section here to download 2010 Pledge Forms for Toronto, Houston, and Seattle Monster Energy Supercross events.
December 10, 2009 – 10:32 pm
Toronto’s Sick Kids Hospital has put together this nifty pledge and fund raising site.
It allows you to donate to Sick Kids on behalf of MX for Children as well as to register yourself to raise funds to be considered for the Inside Line Experience at the Toronto event. It is easy to follow and once registered you will have your own unique fund raising page!
Here is the link:
Now, let’s all get going and raise some funds for Sick Kids!
December 1, 2009 – 6:48 pm
Our 3rd annual “Giving Thanks” auction is up and running on eBay.
The auction will run for 10 days and features 10 exclusive autographed items from FIM/AMA Monster Energy Supercross Champion James Stewart.
Please view the items here.
MX for Children sincerely thanks James Stewart, L&M Racing LLC, Answer Racing, Oakley, and Next Level Sports Management for their contributions and support with this year’s auction.
Enjoy & Good Luck!
November 29, 2009 – 2:43 pm
3rd Annual MX for Children “Giving Thanks” Auction starts Dec. 1 @ 9:00am PST on eBay.
“MXforChildren” is the Seller.
Attached is a teaser…

November 28, 2009 – 2:13 pm
3rd Annual MX for Children “Giving Thanks” Charity Auction starts Dec. 1 @ 9:00am PST on eBay.
You will be able to find the items by searching on the seller “MXforChildren”.
100% of proceeds benefit Seattle Children’s Hospital.
Here are 3 hints on our theme this year: J – S – 7
August 12, 2009 – 12:39 am
This year’s Wesern Washington MX for Children Ride is going to be TOTALLY unique. It will be held at a private track in Morton Washington. Only 30 lucky riders will get to join us for this year’s exclusive ride event benefiting Seattle Children’s Hospital. To get all the details, Click on Ride Events to get the full scoop.