October 12, 2011 – 4:41 pm
First, we need to thank Motorcycle Superstore for stepping up to their third year of sponsorship of our website and programs. Their support allows us to continue to offer unique experiences throughout the Supercross season. From all of the volunteers at MX for Children — thank you!
Stay tuned for announcements about our end of year auction — a great opportunity to get autographed Supercross memorabilia for holiday gifts. And sign up for alerts on our home page and be the first to learn about our schedule of events for the 2012 Supercross season. We have exciting plans for many stops, a new online system for raising funds, and we will be adding new incentives for the Inside Line Experience.

DSWBids GoPro Helmet Auction to benefit MX for Children
MX for Children has been selected as the beneficiary for the inaugural auction of new penny bid site DSWbids.com. DSW is short for Dirt, Snow and Water. They contacted us on a recommendation from Brian Barnes saying that they were going to launch their new site at the outdoor season opener at Hangtown and they were looking for a good charity to benefit. Penny bid auction sites give you an opportunity to get great gear for substantially less than retail prices. DSWBids first auction is for a GoPro Helmet cam and they are going to donate to MX for Children 10 times the selling price of the camera. So if you want one of these cameras and you like MX for Children, go to www.dswbids.com and bid on the camera!
Thanks Brian for the referral and thanks to everyone that bids!

Feld Bestows Humantarian Award on MX for Children
Feld Motorsports honored MX for Children with its “Humanitarian Award” at last night’s Supercross Banquet. Long time volunteer Brett Wise was on hand to accept a big check — a $5,000 donation to MX for Children’s sponsored children’s hospitals! This year MX for Children expanded our Inside Line Experience beyond our traditional stopis in Houston, Toronto and Seattle to include St. Louis and Salt Lake City. With our expansion, we got more industry support and had more participants. In February, Feld Motorsports helped us launch our Jackpot Challenge as an incentive to Inside Line fundraisers and to expand our fundraising borders to include the whole country. The Inside Line Experience and Jackpot Challenge has raised more than $40,000 for seven children’s hospitals around North America this year.
But this award is really for all of you that helped us fundraise for these hospitals. We want to thank you, Feld Motorsports and the supercross industry for making 2011 a better year for kids who suffer from repetitive brain surgeries! Thank You!

Marc Fantich and Crew Rode from McAllen Texas on Valor
The MX for Children Jackpot Challenge pledge drive concluded this past weekend and netted more than $37,000 for children’s hospitals across the US and Canada. The top fundraiser, Marc Fantich of McAllen Texas, rode his Harley called Valor all the way to Seattle Supercross collecting funds along the way and then presented his check for $7,000. But Fantich wouldn’t accept the grand prize leaving it for the next highest fundraiser — two kids from Houston Texas that raised more than $3,400. Ryan and Sean Anthis, 11 and 10 respectively, did bake sales and spaghetti dinners to raise funds for the Jackpot Challenge. “I am so proud of Ryan and Sean for all the hard work they have put into their fundraising efforts,” exclaimed their mother Jackie Anthis. “This is their third year raising money for hydrocephalus through MX for Children, and they continue to surprise me each and every time.” The Anthis boys will be treated to the Inside Line Experience at Las Vegas Supercross along with air travel and hotel accomodations donated by Feld Motorsports (
you can read their press release here.)
Second and third prize, a $500 gift certificate to the Motorcycle Superstore and an Xbox 360 with Kinect, went to the Pinch Family and the Whittington Family both of Toronto Canada. Each family raised $2500 or more with a variety of fundraising techniques.
Thanks to everyone who participated in the Inside Line Experience and the Jackpot Challenge this year. We greatly appreciate your support for our cause. And thanks to our sponsors for the Jackpot Challenge including Feld Motorsports, the Motorcycle Superstore and Lori Longthorne for the donation of the Xbox. Funds raised for the Inside Line Experience and Jackpot Challenge to seven children’s hospitals that are working to improve treatments for kids who suffer from hydrocpehalus — the #1 cause of brain surgery in kids. Donations are still be accepted.
January 31, 2011 – 11:51 pm
The MX for Children Jackpot Challenge is a unique pledge drive that rewards the top fundraiser with two VIP passes to the Monster Energy Supercross finale in Las Vegas including airfare, hotel, meals, attendance at the pre-race press conference, a factory rig tour, walking the Supercross track and great seats! 100% of the pledges raised benefit seven children’s hospitals around the US and Canada and their research to improve a vexing childhood brain condition called hydrocephalus.
To qualify you need to raise a minimum of $500 by April 15, 2011 through the MX for Children Jackpot Challenge fundraising site. (Canadian participants should sign up here). The Challenge winner will be announced on April 21. Second place fundraiser will receive a $500 gift certificate to the Motorcycle Superstore. Third place challenger will receive an Xbox 360 with Kinect.
MX for Children Jackpot Challenge directly supports the following children’s hospitals: Birmingham’s Children’s Hospital of Alabama, Houston’s Texas Children’s, Pittsburgh’s Children’s Hospital, Salt Lake City’s Primary Childrens, Seattle Children’s, St. Louis Children’s, and Toronto’s SickKids. The funds go to support the hospitals’ research to improve treatments for hydrocephalus – the #1 cause of brain surgery for children. The Hydrocephalus Association is a 501©(3) providing fiscal agency for the donations to these hospitals.
More questions? See our FAQ on the MX for Children Jackpot Challenge.
November 22, 2010 – 12:42 am
MX for Children and Monster Energy Supercross announced today that the Inside Line Experience (ILE) Pledge Drive is coming to two new cities — St. Louis and Salt Lake City — in addition to returning to Toronto, Houston and Seattle. The Inside Line Experience is a unique backstage pass to Supercross with an exclusive meet and greet with top racers, attendance at the pre-race press conference, viewing of a private practice on semi-complete SX track, a rig tour, put passes and great seats. Participants are showered with these rewards for being top fund raisers for the ILE Pledge Drive that benefits the local Children’s Hospital in one of these cities. All funds raised go to research to improve outcomes for hydrocephalus — the #1 cause of brain surgery in children. Want to learn more? Go to our Inside Line Experience page and download a pledge form for your city.
November 15, 2010 – 3:25 pm
Lead by 2010 AMA Motocross National Champions Ryan Dungey and Trey Canard, a dozen leading Motocross and Supercross racers have joined together for the 2010 MX for Children ‘Giving Thanks’ charity auction.

Trey Canard
The theme of this year’s auction is “Helmets for Hydro”. “Hydro” is short for “Hydrocephalus” — the #1 cause of brain surgery in kids and affects one million people in the United States.
Motocross riders such as Ryan Dungey, Trey Canard, Ashley Fiolek, Andrew Short, Ben Townley, and Brett Metcalfe and others have personally signed and donated helmets from this past season to this year’s auction.

- Ryan Dungey
The eBay auction commences 8:00am PST Nov. 16st and ends Nov. 25th. Link to access eBay auction items is HERE.
All proceeds from the auction benefit Hydrocephalous Research at Toronto’s SickKids, Seattle Children’s, Utah’s Primary Children’s, Children’s Hospital of Alabama, St. Louis Children’s, Pittsburgh Children’s and Houston’s Texas Children’s Hospital.
To view all the donated helmets, please visit our MX for Children Photo Gallery page here.
October 3, 2010 – 10:21 pm
New MX for Children volunteers, Manny Alvelo and Marc Grossman, ran a successful auction at Kawasaki’s Race of Champions in Englishtown NJ this weekend.The auction benefited nearby Morristown Memorial Hospital and its work to support hydrocephalus patients there. They acquired or donated gear from Ryan Villopoto, Ryan Dungey, Troy Lee, John Dowd and others to run this event in the pits at the Race of Champions.

Manny, RV and Marc at the MX for Children Auction
Long time MX for Children supporter Ryan Villopoto dropped by with an autographed jersey and for a pic with Manny and Marc.
The auction brought in $1100 and will help support people who suffer from hydrocephalus — a challenging brain condition with no known cure — to get support in living with this poorly researched condition. Photos from the auction can be seen on our photo gallery page. Thanks to Manny, Marc, RV and everyone that contributed to making this event a success.
Stay tuned for details on our annual “Giving Back” auction on Ebay later this fall. We are lining up a truly unique set of memorabilia for this event…
September 29, 2010 – 10:38 pm
If you live on the East Coast, come check out our auction at the Kawasaki Race of Champions in Englishtown New Jersey this weekend. We will be in the Troy Lee tent next to the Kawasaki rig. we will have autographed gear by RV, Dungey, Hahn, Seeley and more. The auction goes from 10 AM until 3 PM on Sunday. All proceeds benefit Moorestown Memorial Hospital.

MX for Children Charity Auction at the Kawasaki Race of Champions
Thanks to our newest volunteers — Manny Alvelo and Marc Grossman — for putting this event on.
September 27, 2010 – 10:39 pm
We had to cancel the 6th Annual MX for Children Ride at Extreme Motorsports because it rained buckets all day. But Derrick Dahl saved the day by driving over from Western Washington with over $700 in pledges! So Darrick won the Highest Flier award and automatic entry into the 2011 Inside Line Experience at Seattle Supercross.

Darrick Dahl (High Flyer), Josh James (Manager at Extreme), and Chris Boghokian (MX for Children)
Thanks to Chris Boghokian for organizing the event and Josh James for donating the track again this year! And kudos to Darrick for the hard work helping out Seattle Children’s Hospital!